Thursday, January 17, 2008

Pigmentation Organization!

With a title like that, I feel like I'm on Schoolhouse Rock or something. LOL

Anyhoo, today I got a lovely little message from one of my youtube subscribers about spotlighting me in a post. Woohoo!! Cool beans! But as exciting as that was, it wasn't nearly as exciting as what I read toward the end of the post.

Do you own a lot of pigments and travel a lot? Do you wish you had a handy dandy way of keeping your loose MAC pigments with you, but without losing space from the size of the jars, and not mention the inefficiency of having all those individual jars with you??

Stress no more! Cody Jefferies has solved all your pigment problems! Check out this great site that Cody goes to to buy some storage tins for pigments! Cute? It's not bad looking...but when it comes to storage, I want efficiency, not cutesy. Efficient? Absolutely! You can store up to 20 different pigments in one little case, and still see the color of the pigment through the clear lids. Affordable? At $5.97 for the whole set-20 aluminum jars and 1 hinged storage box-how could you refuse??

Here's a picture of the pigments that Cody has put into the jars. If you read the rest of the post as well, there's some great tips for train cases and a great spotlight on EnKoreMakeup for his wonderful tips on makeup storage and organization!


yummy411 said...

awesome!!!!!! great for makeup artists! no pressing!

Shawnta said...

Cool! I was reluctant in pressing out my pigments due to hearing that some had noticed some color change. Nice to know I don't have to do all of that work.

Nikkia Chanel said...

Wow!! This is a wonderful tool. I need this even when I'm not traveling so that I can utlize my pigments more. I hardly ever use them cause they are tucked away in my storage drawers out of sight. Thanks for the information

kuuipo1207 said...

yummy411--I know, aren't they? Or even just someone who travels alot and likes to take all their makeup with them even though they know they probably won't wear all of the colors while they're gone...hmm...I wonder if I know any like that...other than myself. LOL

Shawnta--I've been weary about pressing my pigments too! I didn't want to lose the color or change it any, but I also didn't want to go through the hassle. lol :)

Slvrlips--I know what you mean. I have quite a few NYX eyeshadows that are tucked away in my dresser, so they don't get a lot of usage...out of sight out of mind. :(

Irshad said...

This great tool for the artist and nice thing for the people suffering from the different pigmentation problems like the pigmentation pigmentation disorder like nevus depigmentosus and vitiligo etc to enjoy the beautifull skin pigments.